The MiG-21 Project
Ralph Ziman’s Multifaceted Project Involving a MiG-21
Following the critically acclaimed CASSPIR Project, South African artist and director, Ralph Ziman, will be taking on an unprecedented and multifaceted project involving a MiG-21. A complex undertaking posing challenges in regards to corrosion, seized components, and reassembly with no maintenance manuals, blueprints or instructions, Marco Gruelle and the DTCare team was proud to be entrusted with the expert handling and logistics for this project.
DTCare currently is and has been logistically supporting the MiG-21 Project, not only with the procurement of the aircraft itself, but all associated logistics, parts, all forms of fabrication as well as any required maintenance and construction for static display purposes.
DTCare would like to acknowledge and thank DTGruelle for its shipping and logistics expertise, which enabled the sourcing of the required beads and the transportation of the pre-assembled bead jigs from South Africa to the United States in Los Angeles, helping DTCare marry the two together. This project employs seven South Africans and Zimbabweans who are beading the aircraft. DTCare is paying them a living wage and thus providing them with the financial means to sustain and support their families.
In staying true to our mission to end generational suffering, DTCare is sponsoring the formal education of 18 of the beading artists’ children as part of our Education Sponsorship Program in Zimbabwe and South Africa, giving them the opportunity for a better life.