
Holiday Art Gallery

for 2022


We chose “Peace on Earth” as our holiday card theme for this year to pay homage to Ukrainian resiliency in this time of conflict. The launch of the DTCare Calling All Artists gave artists around the globe an opportunity to create unique art pieces that capture the essence of Ukraine, peace, and the fast-approaching festive season.

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This Year’s Holiday Card

“Peace Begins with You” by Zaina Alam Piya

"Hope is what makes us strong. Hope gives us the strength to fight for ourselves and our loved ones. During hard times, we cannot lose hope. Peace begins with me. Peace begins with you. Peace begins with us." - Zaina, a young artist based in 📌Bangladesh

We feel her words could not ring more true! Zaina's heartfelt message and inspiration behind her "Peace Begins with You" art piece resonates with us (and we are sure it will with our community too) as the crisis in Ukraine grows. That is why DTCare is thrilled to announce that Zaina's watercolor was handpicked from a collection of stunning art submissions to be featured on the DTCare holiday card this year, which will be sent out to over 300 of our partners, donors, volunteers, and friends.

DTCare received submissions for our Calling All Artists from artists spanning over four continents, including Africa, North America, Europe, and Asia. We accepted digital reproductions of works created from various art mediums to give artists the creative freedom to explore the theme of “Peace on Earth” and how it relates to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the upcoming festive season. The gallery hallmarks art from across the media spectrum, including oil on canvas, watercolor and pen on paper, collaging, and ceramic art with gold-foiling.

Source of Inspiration

by Julia Lymar
📌 Ukraine

by Godfrey Tandi
📌 Zimbabwe

Peace Congress

Flower of Life

“Teary Eye”

by Amanda Acuña
📌 United States

by Julia Lymar
📌 Ukraine

A Maiden

by K.C. Tandi
📌 Zimbabwe


by Julia Lymar
📌 Ukraine

How We Help Ukrainians

DTCare’s emergency response in Ukraine began mere weeks after Russia’s invasion made international headlines. We quickly rolled out a series of airfreight shipments with essential supplies to aid families fleeing the conflict and towns near the frontline. As the conflict escalated, we decided that a long-term effort was needed to help Ukrainians in urgent need and counteract the effects of war. DTCare opened a permanent regional office in Ukraine, providing continual support, creating awareness, and exploring more ways to help. To date, DTCare sent 20 relief shipments (four of which are containers), joined forces with over ten organizations, and visited the country twice to meet with our partners on the ground.