Dryland Gardening

Dryland gardening kit designed to minimize water consumption in austere environments


DTCare is excited to present our Dryland Gardening concept to a containerized “Dryland Gardening Deployable Kit (DLG-DK)”.

Each kit is designed to maximize space and minimize water consumption for austere environments or refugee camps. The kits are designed to use three meters cubed (roughly ten feet wide, ten feet long, and ten feet tall) of total space. The idea is that the kits are meant to be modular for greater production capacity, more complete varietals, and have a greater impact on the implementing population.

The deployable kits contain all materials to build the DLG-C (Dryland Garden Cube) including: mix of soil, nutrients, fertilizer, mulch, seeds, basic implements, garden beds, trellis, and netting.

In addition to all items needed for standing up a dryland garden, DTCare will also provide: a local soil report in native language, instructions for assembly, soil mixing, basic gardening principals, planting, and harvesting instructions (including pictures). The idea is to ship a turnkey DLG-DK with the only inputs needed being; willingness, manpower, water, sunshine, and a percentage of local soil. The first phase of the project is currently underway in Phoenix, AZ.